

Guest Editor. Special Issue on Poetry and Narrative Theory. Narrative 22.2 (May 2014).


“Matter, Rhetoric, and Ambient Form in Susan Howe’s Poetic Space.” Rethinking the North American Long Poem. Eds. Ridvan Askin and Julius Greve. Recencies Series: Research and Recovery in Twentieth Century American Poetry. University of New Mexico Press, 2024.

Landscape Rhetoricity: Narrative, Ecology, and Topographic Form.” Narrative 32.3 (October 2024): 244–259.

With Brian McHale. “Inscribed Sites: Verbal Art in Postmodern Built Environments.” The Routledge Companion to Literature and Art. Eds. Neil Murphy, W. Michelle Wang, Cheryl Julia Lee. Routledge, 2024. 423–437.

Lithic Space-Time in Lyric: Narrating the Poetic Anthropocene.” Narrating Nonhuman Spaces: Form, Story, and Experience Beyond Anthropocentrism, edited by Marco Caracciolo, Marlene Marcussen, and David Rodriguez. Routledge, 2021.

The Rhetoric of Emergence in Narrative.” Diegesis 9.2 (December 2020): 80–95.

Narrative Disorientation and Beckett’s Bureaucratic Space.” Journal of Beckett Studies 29.2 (September 2020): 161–178.

The Middle, the East, the West of Erin: Narrative Disorientation and the Production of Space.” Special issue on Geographical Narrative. Frontiers of Narrative Studies 4.2 (November 2018): 312–26.

"Preface: Special Issue on Poetry and Narrative Theory." Narrative 22.2 (May 2014): 151–53.

"Narrative in Concrete / Concrete in Narrative: Visual Poetry and Narrative Theory." Narrative 22.2 (May 2014): 234–51.

"'You’ll remember Mercury': The Avant-Garde Worlds of Edwin Morgan’s Science-Fiction Poetry." Science Fiction Studies 41.1 (March 2014): 1–25.

"'I Am Becoming an Island Dweller': Postmodern Space-Time in J. M. Coetzee’s Foe." On and Off the Page: Mapping Place in Text and Culture, edited by Matt Hackler. Cambridge Scholars, 2009. 55–76.

general audience

Episode 33: Jim Phelan & Brian McAllister — Juliana Spahr’s “Gentle Now Don’t Add to Heartache.” Project Narrative Podcast. 19 July 2024.

Rev. of A New Anatomy of Storyworlds: What Is, What If, As If by Marie-Laure Ryan. Anglia: Journal of English Philology 142.1 (March 2024): 202–206.

Rev. of New Materialism and Late Modernist Poetry by Joe Moffett. American Literary History 35.4 (Winter 2023): 1965–1968.

“Space-Time Dualism” and “Space-Time Engtanglementism” [Supplemental Material for Art Exhibition]. Moulding Nature: Discursive Struggles over the Environment. Färgfabriken Foundation, Stockholm, Sweden. 26 August–26 November 2023.

"Zen and the Art of Unnatural Narrative [pdf]." Review of Unnatural Narrative: Impossible Worlds in Fiction and Drama by Jan Alber. Papers on Language and Literature. 53.3 (Summer 2017): 295–300.

Review of The International Companion to Edwin Morgan edited by Alan Riach, The Bottle Imp: The Association for Scottish Literary Studies 20, Fall 2016.

"Lewis Grassic Gibbon." The Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism, 2016.

"Origins Top Ten: Scotland and the United Kingdom." Origins: Current Events in Historical Perspective, 12 September 2014.

"Puppets, Pantomime, and Play." Review of A Mind-Bending Evening of Beckett, directed by Bob Flanagan. The Beckett Circle, Spring 2014.